Procurement Training Certificate Winners

Congratulations to the following individuals who completed the requirements to earn the Procurement Training Certificate during the First Quarter of 2015!

Information on the requirements to earn this certificate are available here.


Anita Boyd

Brittany Burleson

Tondaleria Cammon

Amy Chambley

Eric Dickey

Karley Drummond

LaShunda Duncan

Alexandra Ellsworth

Joy Fuller

Janet Hamner

Connie Harris

Adrianne Harris

Seprona James

Melissa Jones

Danielle Kenaston

Susie Long



Sheila Mullenix

Susan Noble

Sharon O’Neal

Angel Oswalt

Jennifer Patrick

Gieva Patton

Ruth Anne Phillips

Brittany Richardson

Robin Schmitt

Krenare Skivjani

Amanda Smith

Stephen Smith

Darkiesha Sterling

Kimberly Stidham

Marlene Thomas

Kimberly Wadsworth

Amanda Wells