The Office of Procurement Services includes Accounts Payable, Contract Administration, Contract Management, Furnishings and Designs, Procurement Training, Purchasing, and Purchasing Card Services.  As you are getting settled in, we would like to recommend that you take advantage of the training opportunities that are available to help you get up to speed on the policies that apply when purchasing goods or services and/or traveling on behalf of the University.

Procurement TopicDescriptionRegistration and LinksRecommended ParticipantseLearning CoursesInstructor-led Courses
P-Card Policies and ProceduresThe P-Card Policies & Procedures class is required for all new Cardholders and Reconcilers. In this course you will learn the basics of University policies that pertain to the use of the Purchasing Card including:
  • P-Card, Purchasing, and Travel Policy
  • Roles and responsibilities associated with the P-Card program
  • Specific program requirements (i.e. allowable/prohibited P-Card charges, documentation requirements, etc.)
  • Resources available to campus

Steps Required
  1. Complete the P-Card Application.
  2. Complete Required Training: P-Card Policies and Procedures and Concur Travel and Expense

Note: Cardholders are required to complete the virtual Instructor-led P-Card Policy and Procedures training and Concur Travel and Expense training through virtual session or through the eLearning course. The P-Card Policy & Procedures eLearning course is designed to be a refresher training for individuals who have not attended an instructor-led training session in over a year.
The P-Card Policy and Procedures Refresher Only eLearning course is available via the UA LMS.

Virtual Instructor-led training sessions are being offered twice a month through Microsoft Teams. Please contact to sign-up.
The P-Card Policy and Procedures eLearning course is available via the UA LMS.
Instructor-led training sessions are being offered twice a month through Microsoft Teams.  Please contact to sign-up.
Concur Travel and Expense: System Overview and IntroductionThe Concur Travel and Expense training is required for all P-Card cardholders and UA employees seeking reimbursement (and their delegates), as well as any UA employees submitting requests to pay non-UA individuals and/or entities. Concur is a Travel and Expense Management System, and is our primary system for making travel reservations, reconciling non-travel P-Card transactions, submitting travel expense reports, processing payments for non-UA individuals, and payment of vendor invoices. This course provides an introduction to the Concur Travel and Expense system including the four system modules including:
  • Understand how to access system and process through four system modules: Request, Travel, Expense and Invoice
  • Understand steps required to set up profiles, delegates, default FOAPAL information, and book travel

Steps Required
  1. Complete the Concur User Access Request Form.
  2. Complete Required Training: Concur Travel and Expense.

Note: Both the Concur virtual instructor-led course and the Concur eLearning course will fulfill the Concur training requirement for new Concur users to gain system access.
The Concur Travel and Expense eLearning course is available via the UA LMS.

Virtual Instructor-led training sessions are being offered once a month through Microsoft Teams.  Please contact to sign-up.
The Concur Travel and Expense eLearning course is available via the UA LMS.Instructor-led training sessions are being offered twice a month through Microsoft Teams.  Please contact to sign-up.

Contract PortalThe Contract Portal is a contract management system that allows the University to route contracts for review and retrieve executed contracts if necessary.
• User Guide
• Instructional Video
• Frequently Asked Questions
• Contract Portal Terminology Guide
buyBAMAbuyBAMA transforms the way goods and services are purchased at The University of Alabama, by providing campus employees with an electronic procurement system that is easy to navigate and intuitive to use, resulting in an easier and faster procurement process. It is the single point of entry where faculty and staff at The University of Alabama can go to shop for most of their campus-related purchases. buyBAMA is able to keep track of what you purchase and how much you spend on these purchases, improving our ability to negotiate volume discounts.Training Resources available:
• Frequently Asked Questions
• Reference Material
• Training
PaymentWorksPaymentWorks is a platform through which the University can “connect” with its new and existing vendors. University employees can send invitations to new vendors to create an account and make a connection on PaymentWorks. Once vendors complete the registration and connection process and their registration is approved, they will be able to view invoice and payment related updates, while providing Accounts Payable with their latest profile information. All UA employees are “initiators” that will invite vendors to connect with the University through PaymentWorks. As an initiator in PaymentWorks, you can send out requests to prospective vendors so they can complete the registration process.Training Resources available:
• What is Payment Works?
PaymentWorks Initiator User Video
• PaymentWorks Initiator User Guide