Please join us in congratulating the following individuals for completing the requirements for the Procurement Training Certificate during the First Quarter of 2016.
To earn the Procurement Training Certificate, participants must attend all three of the following training sessions: P-Card Policies and Procedures, Procure to Pay, and Travel 101. In-person classes taken after January 1, 2014 count toward the certificate. No additional registration is required. Certificates are awarded on a quarterly basis.
Cynthia Cox
Rita Doughty
Cynthia Franks
Angelia Gaddis
Karen Hannah
Jodie Harless
Kay Howell
Brandi Kizziah
Donald Lancaster
Lakeisha Martin
Donna McGee
Brenda Parsons
Lynnette Scales
Kelly Seaman
Sarah Sides
Deborah Walker
Leslie Wiggins
KC Wise